Home » Lithuania will provide Ukraine with 36 air defense systems to effectively combat Iranian drones
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Lithuania will provide Ukraine with 36 air defense systems to effectively combat Iranian drones

Lithuania plans to send Ukraine 36 anti-aircraft missile systems that can be used to shoot down kamikaze drones of Iranian production, which the Russian invaders launch on the territory of our state . This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Lithuania, Arvydas Anushauskas, at a joint briefing with his Ukrainian colleague, Oleksiy Reznikov , at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center.

According to Anusauskas, his state has also already trained 15 instructors who will be able to train our military to use these air defenses.

“We have already completed the training of 15 instructors who will be ready to work on the territory of Ukraine and train the Ukrainian military. We are also transferring to Ukraine 36 anti-aircraft missile systems that can effectively counter drones,” he said.

Reznikov, in turn, added that during the meeting with Anushauskas, the following packages of military support from Lithuania were discussed. Air defense will be one of the priorities. 

The Ukrainian minister also drew attention to the importance of the training of instructors by the Baltic states.

“We expect that we will be helped by air defense systems that can more technically fight against Iranian drones. I want to note the importance of the fact that the Lithuanian side is training not just air defense systems operators, but instructors, who will then be able to train our military. That is, they are training trainers.” Reznikov explained.

Anushauskas emphasized that Lithuania will continue to help Ukraine on the way to its victory in the war with the Russian Federation.

“The path to victory will not be easy, but I can assure you that Lithuania, together with other democratic countries, will support Ukraine on this path,” he said.

At the same time, the ministers of none of the countries specified which anti-aircraft missile systems the Armed Forces will receive. Earlier, Ukraine received dozens of L-70 anti-aircraft guns with ammunition from Lithuania .