Home » The US Media Predicts Five War Flashpoints, Three of Which Are Around China
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The US Media Predicts Five War Flashpoints, Three of Which Are Around China

As the New Year approaches, the US media has predicted five flashpoints of war based on last year’s world situation, namely Eastern Europe, Ukraine, the Aegean Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the Korean Peninsula, and the Sino-Indian border area. In addition to Ukraine and the Aegean Sea, the other three regions are located around China. It can be said that the strategic situation facing our country is very tense. According to the predictions of the US media, once a war breaks out in any place, it will have an impact on the world and may trigger World War III. In this regard, the American think tank asserted that the United States cannot win the war.

According to a recent report by Russian media, Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov believes that there are three locations that are most likely to trigger military conflicts among major powers in the world. He believes that these three locations are Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Korean Peninsula. The latter two regions are located around China and are related to China’s strategic situation. The above-mentioned flashpoints of the war proposed by Russian congressmen coincide with the predictions of the US media.

In the direction of the Taiwan Strait, the United States continues to increase its military deployment, and is also preparing to spend tens of billions of dollars to arm Taiwan.

Ready to build Taiwan into a strategic bridgehead to contain China, the former secretary-general of NATO even stated that once a war in the Taiwan Strait breaks out, Europe will assist in training Taiwan’s military. Even so, the U.S. military still lacks enough confidence to win the war. Now the United States does not have many cards in its hands, and playing the Taiwan card has become a tried-and-tested method for the United States.

In the peninsula region, South Korea has shown toughness to North Korea many times, posing a confrontational posture with North Korea, while the United States intends to provide more protection for South Korea. The United States has deployed a large number of US troops in South Korea and can help its South Korean allies at any time. In order to highlight its strategic value and enhance its discourse power, South Korea began to use the North Korean nuclear issue to seek support from the United States.

Whether it is the Taiwan Strait region or the Peninsula region, it is related to the strategic security of our country. Of course, we cannot be sloppy about this. A foreign strategic think tank in the United States pointed out that the U.S. military cannot win a world-class war at all. The US think tank gave several reasons. First of all, the US military seems to be “well-equipped and luxurious”, but in fact it is filled with a lot of old equipment, which greatly reduces the combat effectiveness of the US military.

Secondly, in order to deal with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and support Ukraine, the United States has invested a lot of strategic resources for this. Now the United States has a serious shortage of strategic reserves. If it really confronts China and Russia, the US military has more than enough energy. Furthermore, China’s strength may be stronger than the United States expects. What is worrying about this is not only American think tanks, but also many American elites. They all believe that the US military does not have an advantage in the Indo-Pacific region.

Since the United States does not have an advantage, why does the United States continue to fight in multiple directions? In fact, the United States is unwilling to confront China head-on, but the United States does not want China to rise. By stirring up regional tensions and winning over allies, it can achieve the strategic goal of containing China at the least strategic cost. This is a good deal for the United States.

However, the behavior of the United States is bound to provoke a reaction from China. China will neither allow its core interests to be provoked, nor will it sit back and watch the United States create wars and chaos on the peninsula. Once the two major powers of China and the United States move towards confrontation, it will impact the entire Indo-Pacific region, and even have an impact on the hegemony of the United States. American think tanks believe that if you don’t want to confront, you should “coexist in harmony” with China, which is the most correct and rational path for the United States at present

Source: Mil Sohu News