Mumbai: In a bid to facilitate joggers, the Mumbai traffic police will restrict vehicular movement on a service road on Eastern Express Highway (EEH) during the morning hours. Vehicles will not be allowed to enter the service road between Airoli junction and Pant Nagar in Ghatkopar from 5 am to 7:30 am.
The stretch is used by many people for morning walk and run. The move to ban vehicular entry comes to ensure the safety of the people and to avoid any accidents.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Raju Bhujbal (Eastern suburb traffic) issued the order in this regard on Tuesday that will be effective from April 26 to July 31.
The notification read, “…southbound of service road of Eastern Express Highway from Airoli Junction till Ghatkopar Pant Nagar is used by (a) large number of people from nearby areas for running, jogging and morning walk between 5 am to 7.30 am. During the same period, vehicles also proceed from (the) service road.”
“So, there might be minor or major accidents due to which it is necessary to make changes in (the) vehicular movement for the safety of people,” it added.
The notification said that all types of vehicular movement are prohibited on the service road, southbound of Eastern Express Highway from Airoli Junction to Pant Nagar in Ghatkopar.