Two goods trains collided in India’s eastern state of West Bengal state in the early hours of Sunday, with one injured and 12 wagons of the trains derailed, said a senior official.
There was no loss of human life, he confirmed.
The mishap occurred at the Onda railway station in Bankura district of West Bengal. “A goods train entered the loop line instead of the main line, and collided with another stationary goods train on the track,” local media reported.
The collision derailed 12 wagons of the trains, and the driver of one of the goods trains suffered minor injuries, said the Indian Railways official.
Following the mishap, train movement has been hampered on the affected railway line, and efforts were on to make it fully operational.
The accident came three weeks after the devastating triple train collision involving two passenger trains and a goods train in the eastern state of Odisha, which claimed nearly 300 human lives.