Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman S. Somanath said the Vikram lander of India’s third moon mission Chandrayaan-3 will manage a soft landing on the moon’s surface on Aug. 23 even if its two engines and all the sensors stop working.
Somanath made the remarks on Tuesday while delivering a speech on “Chandrayaan-3: Bharat’s Pride Space Mission” hosted by a Bengaluru-based non-profit organisation.
According to the ISRO chief, the entire design of the lander has been made in a manner that makes sure that it would be able to handle failures.
“If everything fails, if all the sensors fail, nothing works, still it (Vikram) will make a landing. That’s how it has been designed, provided that the propulsion system works well,” Somanath was quoted as saying.
Chandrayaan 3 was launched on July 14 and put into the lunar orbit on Saturday.