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Rumors of Tesla Selecting India for Investment in Electric Cars, This Said Luhut

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan finally opened his voice regarding the news that the giant electric car manufacturer from the United States (US), Tesla, is more interested in investing in India.

Reported by Antara on Friday (23/6/2023), according to him, this issue is not true. This is because the company created by Elon Musk only plans to open a dealership alias showroom there, not a factory. So there is no term for India to corner Indonesia to become a production base for batteries or Tesla branded vehicles.

“No, there isn’t. They just opened a showroom,” he said, Friday. So that Indonesia’s position on Tesla investment is still on the optimistic side. Currently, it is said that the company has made a commitment but it is still in the negotiation stage.

Even so, Luhut stressed, Elon Musk has no plans to back down from the intended plan. “With Tesla we are still bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Mexico is their backyard, of course they will build there,” said Luhut.

“In this region they still have commitments, which I know are around 1 million cars. Will they go to Indonesia, we’ll see in the next few days,” he said. Previously, Elon Musk reportedly met with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi in the US to discuss possible investments in the Barata world.

He is also optimistic that Tesla will enter India as soon as possible. This is because India is considered to have strong potential for a sustainable energy future including for the electric vehicle ecosystem. “It’s something we want to do and we’re just trying to find the right time.”

Source : Kompas News