The victim has been identified as Shardul Aarolkar. A resident from Borivali’s Yogi Nagar, Aarolkar was a special child and a student of Yashodha School. According to his relatives, he had been practising swimming for almost a year now.
A 14 year old boy drowned in Gokuldham pool, a privately owned swimming pool situated within the premises of Goregaon’s Yashodha School on Friday. The incident was reported at 8.03 pm by the Dindoshi Police Station.
The victim has been identified as Shardul Aarolkar. A resident from Borivali’s Yogi Nagar, Aarolkar was a special child and a student of Yashodha School. According to his relatives, he had been practising swimming for almost a year now.
The victim’s father, Sanjay Aarolkar said, “He was still learning how to swim. The trainers tell us that he ended up in the middle of the pool and went in too deep. Water entered his body and he fell unconscious. After he was retrieved from the pool, he vomited some water when his trainers rushed him to Lifeline hospital.”
Even with doctors’ efforts, the boy was declared dead at the civic-run Shatabdi Hospital.
“How is it that five trainers who were present at the pool missed to look after my son, a special child who needs more attention?”, the father told Express on Friday.
Speaking to The Indian Express, Jeevan Kharat, senior PI at Dindoshi Police Station said, “He was practising his swimming in the presence of a trainer in the evening, when he drowned. We will know the exact cause in the post mortem report. An accidental death report (ADR) has been registered.”
Source : Indian Express